Fun Facts

Did you know...?
An electric current is measured in amperes (amps).
Electric potential energy is measured in volts.
When an electric charge builds up on the surface of an object it creates static electricity. You have probably experienced static electricity in the form of a small electric shock, which is what happens when the electric charge is quickly neutralized by an opposite charge.
Electric circuits can contain parts such as switches, transformers, resistors and transformers.
Lightning is a discharge of electricity in the atmosphere. Lightning bolts can travel at around 130,000 mph, while reaching nearly 54,000 °F in temperature.
You may have heard of direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC). The difference between the two is in the way the electrons flow. In DC electrons move in a single direction while in AC they change directions, switching between backwards and forwards. The electricity use in your home is AC while DC comes from sources that include batteries.
Back in the 1880’s there was even a ‘war of currents’ between Thomas Edison (who helped invent DC) and Nikola Tesla (who helped invent AC). Both wanted their system to be used with AC eventually winning out due to the fact that it is safer and can be used over longer distances.
American Benjamin Franklin carried out extensive electricity research in the 18th century, inventing the lightning rod amongst his many discoveries. Lightning rods protect buildings in the event of lightning by conducting lightning strikes through a grounded wire.
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Ways to save!
You can save 19% annually by installing Energy Star ceiling fans in the rooms you use most often. They'll help keep you cool in the summer while your AC works lessl. In the winter, switch them to turn clockwise to circulate the warm air rising up to the ceiling back down into the room.
Nearly half of US homes already have a programmable thermostat. Dig out that owner’s manual and learn how to use yours to maximize the efficiency of your heating and cooling systems. Program your thermostat to turn itself down or off when you’re sleeping or are at work or school.
Consider replacing incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent units; they'll save around 50 percent on lighting costs, and last up to 10 times longer than traditional bulbs.